We ate at The Leaky Cauldron, and I had a Traditional Breakfast, which is a London staple. The food was really good and the hot butterbeer was even better! The restaurant looks exactly how it does in the movie, so the lighting was pretty dim and my pictures didn’t turn out that great. We also got some Gilly Water so we wouldn’t get dehydrated on our wizarding journey.

When we got to the location of our lesson, we met Paul Harris, who choreographed the wand fight sequences in Order of the Phoenix. He taught us some basic moves, which were pretty hard to do with a wand in your hand. I thought it would be easy for me, since I have a background in dance, but I spent most of my energy trying to make my wand hand look graceful. In the middle of the struggle, some visitors arrived…

We were joined by Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood)! Just minutes before the lesson started, I was talking about how I’ve had a crush on Rupert since I was 9, so you can imagine what my reaction was when they walked in. They were all thoroughly amused by our wand technique (or lack thereof), and I was thoroughly amused by Matt’s blazer and facial hair. #noshame.
Once our wand lesson was over, we went on Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey – a ride that’s always full of memories for me. We ended the Social Media Meet-Up by taking group pictures in front of the castle while enjoying some Butterbeer and a Chocolate Frog, which was literally a sweet way to end a pretty sweet day!
Here are some extra shots I took!

Check out Universal Orlando’s blog post here.

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