New year, new intentions. In 2018, I started setting intentions instead of making New Years Resolutions, and I had one of my most productive years yet. This year, I’ve decided to set four new intentions, after a month-long period of reflection.

This year, I want to be more present, for both myself and others. Instead of staying in all the time, I want to get out and spend time with loved ones. I want to appreciate what my community has to offer instead of being at home, complaining about being uninspired because I’m not traveling.
I plan on doing more self-care daily. Right now, it means doing a devotional, a French lesson, and at least 30 minutes of reading daily. I have a pretty solid beauty self-care regimen going weekly, but I also want to schedule regular 출장 massages and stretch more. To be present for others, I want to spend more time with my friends and family and dedicate more energy to conscious gift-giving and volunteering my time to serve others.

There’s no surprise that travel is a big part of my intentions for 2019. Wanderlust, by definition, is a strong desire to travel. I technically already have wanderlust, but I want to be more intentional with it. I plan on vlogging my trips (once I get a vlogging camera) to try and capture how I feel in the moment, and I got a travel journal to write down my feelings at the end of each day.
I’m so excited for my trip to Paris, because it’s one of my 2018 goals come to life. To expand on my destination goals, I would love to work on going to Singapore in 2020 and explore more of the United States (Utah! Arizona! Colorado!) and maybe Canada this year. There’s so much of the world that I want to see, but I think one international trip a year is a good starting goal.
I also want to be smarter with how I fund my travel; I got pretty good deals for Paris that I’m proud of, but I have a feeling there’s an even better way to go about all of the traveling I do. That ties in to one of my other intentions.

Showing more gratitude is something I’m really working on this year. I find that finding things to appreciate daily makes my outlook on life so much better, and directs my thoughts along a more positive path. It helps me deal with bad news a lot better than how my anxiety-ridden self would normally deal with it, which is not well.
For a couple of years, I have been making lists of things that happened that I was grateful for each month. It helped me appreciate my journey, and I saw such a difference on how I perceived each month when I saw how much I had to be grateful for. I’m hoping the gratitude will help me discover what makes me truly happy.

One of my biggest intentions in 2019 is to give myself freedom. Financial freedom, professional freedom, and academic freedom. Freedom from my depression and anxiety. I’ve made specific, small goals that will help me achieve personal freedom. I plan on manifesting (and working towards) becoming more saavy with my finances and getting a new job. I have specific academic goals that involve matriculating into the programs of my dreams.
I want this year to be the year that I work on becoming the best version of myself, for real this time. I made a virtual vision board once again that serves as the wallpaper on my laptop. I also made a vision board to display in my room that has my smaller, more specific goals written out as a checklist.
How do you plan on conquering 2019?

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